Google Checkout is incredible

Monday, March 26, 2007


1. What was the logic underlying the form of aid offered through the
Marshall Plan?

-the Marshall Plan, was the primary plan of the US to not only help rebuild the European Allies, but also help prevent another rise of Communism after WWII. The US, over a time span of four years, gave around 13 billion dollars to Europe in hopes of providing both economical and technical assistance. The plan offered the same form of assistance to the Soviet Union and its allies, but only if they agreed to certain terms and reforms set by the US. This plan was successful in rebuilding the destroyed economies of most of the European allies. The US’s logic behind this plan was to gain trust and alliance from European countries in hopes of a.) preventing communism and b.) gaining allies who would help them prevent communism should a country decide to revert back to it.

2. Describe the "path to Communism" of one Eastern or Central European
country. In what ways was this representative of the path taken by other
states in the postwar period?

-Poland devastated during WWII, Red Army occupied the country during WWII, crushed any resistance to Communism, US offered the Marshall Plan to Poland, but under pressure from Moscow, they declined and it becomes a satellite state for the Soviet Union, they decided not to claim reparations from other countries bc they were forced by the soviet Union, Soviet Union also helped rebuild Poland as part of the Warsaw Pact, due to heavy Soviet influence, Poland became Communist

-representative because communism shows up with heavy backing from the Soviet Union, it is the only way that it showed up in other countries because Bolshevism was contained within Russia after WWI, so communism could not spread naturally without force

3. Who were defined as Nazi collaborators after the war and how were they
what was a collaborator: p.44
and then that goes to about page 55 and 56

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