Marx and Dickens wrote for very different reasons
Marx- to overthrow the capitalist economic hierarchy
-marx attaches no value to capital or materials, only labor
Dickens- accepts the economic hierarchy, works to change conditions within it
-also to sell copies
between 1814-1848, there's little conflict between states, but lots of conflict within society
this era is the era of nationalism and democracy
-formed on idealistic belief that a Europe formed on nationalistic lines will be peaceful and prosperous
-very different from later jingoistic tendencies
-slavery is abolished in most of europe
-cost of abolishing slavery was equivalent to a 10% tax on all british incomes (because they did it by force)
during the french revolution, all of europe was filled with french refugees, who told tales of the terrible revolution
lots of revolutions are held during the 1840s, nearly all of them fail
-change still happens, however
-monarchical alliances based on personal relationships vanish
there are two branches of nationalism
-both stem from the french revolution
-1- individual libertarianism
-nationalism is an expression of national sovereignty, and the idea that the state is sovereign within its own borders
-the state is subordinate to civil society
-the people themselves exercise sovereignty
-this is called individual libertarianism
-2- collectivist authoritarian nationalism
-the theoretical sovereignty of the people is not derived from the practice of liberty, but from the people's uniqueness
what was state and nation-building in western europe in the 19th century?
-something huge happened
-the crimean war was largely a war of government
-WWI, however was largely a war of PEOPLE
-the people were actually willing to kill eachother en masse without being forced to, the war was not imposed from above as much
3 reform acts that expanded the vote in england, england was one of the more liberal, democratic states in europe
-even so, both political parties in england were nationalistic parties
france was a mixed country, huge class between workers and upper class
-still a very nationalistic country
italy also ended up being extremely nationalistic
-ruled by the junkers (prussians, etc)
-still hugely nationalistic
-all blood germans (not even by lanugage) could return to germany and be recognized
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