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Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Max Weber defined a state as such-
3 components
-disinterested bureaucracy
-legit monopoly on violence
-ability to uphold that monopoly

french revolutionaries sought out a sort of 'superstate' that intruded on all aspects of life
revolutionaries replace monarchy with popular sovereignty
-put government in the hands of the people, rather than the monarchs

representatives of the revolution called a meeting with representatives from three groups

first period- estates general- May 1789 to 1791
second period- the convention -1792-95- this contained the terror, killing of the king
third period- the directory- 1795-99
-ends with napoleon

estates general-
-after may 5, political parties appeared (real quick)
-summer of 1789, estates general declared itself a legit assembly, most members abandoned designations of noble, commoner, etc
-nationalized all sorts of church lands, etc
-ended censorship
-was supposed to produce a constitution
by 1791 the king and pope were starting to not like the estates general

during the convention
-war solidifies the revolution
-war is initially successful
-new body formed to govern
-european powers saw the french revolution as a big threat
-once the convention voted in 1793 to execute the king, england was like oh shit
-1793 on saw the TERROR
-new french republic owned everybody except england
-1794 brought a revolution against the revolution (counterrevolution)
-robespierre, etc, were executed (there was a new terror)

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